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Shipping Methods

Shipping and delivery, made easy

Choose from the wide selection of shipping, delivery and fulfillment options to start making fast and easy shipments.

Get started for free ↗︎
shipping methods

Work with providers your customers trust

Leverage various integrations to start shipping with the world’s biggest couriers.

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Everything for fast and easy shipping

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Manage everything in one dashboard

Run deliveries in the same place you handle products, payments and more.

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Stay on top of every package

Track orders right in your dashboard, no matter the delivery option you choose.

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Boost your sales by offering free shipping

Surprise customers and reduce cart abandonment rates with free shipping.

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Calculate shipping rates in a variety of ways

Set up your shipping rate by weight, unit or subtotal, or simply charge a flat rate.

Ship locally and internationally

Start now ↗︎
self pick up icon

Help customers save money with self-pickup

Give your clientele the option to pick up packages from your store or anywhere else.

local delivery icon

Deliver goods locally in no time

Partner with local couriers and ensure fast delivery to your customers.

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Go global with worldwide shipments

Choose different shipping methods and rates for each country or zone you ship to.

Don’t have a store yet?

Experience the power of AI and build your online business the intelligent way.

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