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Product Types

Sell any type of product

Build an extensive product catalog, design effective product pages, create product families, offer different variations, and showcase your best goods and offers.

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Easily bring physical products to market

Import and export product listings in bulk, specify product characteristics such as size, color, weight and more, group goods into product families and make your merchandise available to customers within minutes.

Ucraft Next tutorials

Diversify with digital goods

Bring in tangible revenue with intangible goods by selling anything from articles and ebooks to music and art pieces. Enable customers to make instant purchases and receive files over email in real-time.

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Streamline your service business with appointments

Enable customers to book and pay for appointments right on your website, and easily sell consultations, sessions, workshops, courses and more with the built-in booking system.

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Make your events a success by selling tickets online

Seamlessly create and sell tickets for both online and offline events, keep track of your audience and easily reach your attendance goals.

Create event website with Ucraft next

Grow your food business with table reservations

Enable customers to reserve tables right on your website and keep your restaurant, cafe or any other food establishment running smoothly by staying on top of demand.

industry page restaurants template

Easily sell rental products

Build an effective rental store, rent out products on a daily or hourly basis, and use the all-in-one system to seamlessly fulfill orders and keep track of everything.

Video Poster

Expand your business with a subscription model

Offer your products or services on a subscription model, give your customers a new way to commit to your brand, facilitate recurring revenue and boost customer loyalty.

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Coming soon

Realize your selling potential

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Help customers find products

Assign fields to each product to help buyers search by size, color, material, etc. Track user preferences and identify popular attributes.

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Delegate product descriptions to AI

Use the built-in conversational AI bot to generate highly detailed and effective product copy in just a few seconds.

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Control your inventory seamlessly

Manage multiple inventories and choose the fulfillment source for each order. Track stock levels and pause sales when inventory is low.

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Boost traffic with built-in tools

Boost SEO by optimizing product pages with targeted title tags, meta descriptions, and URLs. Index key info on Google for improved rankings.

Try Ucraft Next for free

Build your online business and start selling the intelligent way

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